Fondant Modeling Tools
Part 1
Tips and trick to using these tools in your sugar art creations.
Recently I have noticed a surge of cookiers turning to fondant, even if it is just to embellish their royal icing work. In Europe fondant is commonly used on many sugar creations, especially cookies and it's applications are taking hold with US cookiers too.
I thought I would introduce some of you to the most widely used tools when working with fondant, gum-paste or modeling chocolate. These tools can be found on-line and in stores and begin from 1.50$ a set of 8 on eBay.
There are 8 modeling tools in this standard set each tool with two different tips creating 16 different tools with various uses.
The reason it is so marvelous to have a command of these tools is that it will save you so much money in purchasing more tools that give you the same end product as what you can achieve with knowing these tools.
I am breaking this post into 2 sections since there is a lot of information for 1 post. The next post will be available shortly on the remaining 4 tools.
*In my search for the tool's uses I tried to link as many of the photos I used to their rightful creators. If I have forgotten anyone please let me know.*
The first tool I will talk about is the Dresden Tool.
The Dresden Modeling tool is also known as the flower leaf shaper tool. The one side is used to smooth and flute the fondant and the other side creates fine detail lines as veining on leaves and flowers. There are many other uses to these tools including separating fingers and toes and creating eye sockets, dimpling berries and so on.
Molding facial features
The Next tool in line is the Bone Tool
The bone tool makes perfect holes for eye sockets or sockets for limbs. It can be used to ruffle edges, smooth and thin petals, indenting and rounding.
for flattening and filling small spaces
for rounding

The Scallop -Comb Tool
Used for smiles, eyebrows or frowns, creating scales, cut circle holes, create scalloped edges, mark dotted lines creating stitching and emboss and pattern parallel lines
Creating scales
Creating scalloped edges
Bulbous Cone
This tool works wonders with a Garret Frill Cutter in creating ruffles by simply placing the side of the cone on the edge of the fondant and rolling the tool back and forward using a light pressure shaping and frilling. It also is an easy way to create many lovely flowers. It's other end is used for pushing in the fondant and creating pebble patterns.
Pulled Flowers
Creating ruffles