Thursday, January 23, 2014

Valentines Day Cookies

     Before I show you my first set of cookies for 2014 I wanted to give a warm congratulations to Nantucket Delicacy Set by Rebecca at The Cookie Architect 
who was the winner of Best Cookie 2013. Again it was my honor to be among the top 10 for the year at Cookie Connection. I can not thank everyone enough for their support through out the year. It is your support and encouragement that gives me the motivation to keep creating and improving myself.

     So with Valentine's Day just around the corner I created some cookies which reflect the romantic vision I have of this special day.

Enjoy the photos and wishing everyone a wonderful loved filled Valentines Day.

Since posting this article two of my Valentine cookies submitted to the Cookie Connection site were spotlighted and received the coveted honor of being featured for the week!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cookie of the Year 2013 To Be Announced January 17th.

My Bird Houses have been nominated in the top 10 Cookie of the Year 2013. Final Awards to be announced this weekend, Jan. 17th.

This is an incredible honor considering the level of participation worldwide. I do not have any hopes to be the winner, but the fact that I am in this position after only 8 months of cookie making gives me the courage to continue to create and move forward. I thank all of you for your support.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cookie of the Year 2013 Cookie Connection

I have the honor of 2 of my cookies being in the top 39 cookies chosen of the over 8000 cookies submitted in 2013 for COOKIE OF THE YEAR 2013.

Number 14 and Number 26 are my creations.
Voting for the top position will be until January 11th.

There are marvelous designs and I wish everyone the very best!

Friday, January 3, 2014

An Interview With Julia Usher by GK Cookies

My good friend Katia had a wonderful interview with Julia Usher. 
You can read it here on her blog.

It is always nice getting to know the people we mentor and admire. This interview takes us a step closer to knowing Julia. And everyone who knows about cookies knows about Julia Usher!
Thank you Katia